Monday, May 19, 2014

What will they say of you?

Choose your words
At 17 years old, I've seen but a sliver of what life has to offer. I could go on about what I expect from my future, from my career, my marriage and family life, or from my old age, but then I would just be fumbling in the dark. I don’t know what twists and bends await me, nor do I want to spoil those surprises for myself. Yet I have my hopes and dreams like the next person. Whether I die at a ripe old age, or at any unexpected time, I want others to say that I led an honorable life that was true to who I am. They say that in the afterlife, if there is such a thing, you leave everything behind. That’s not very much at the moment, but in the coming years, I hope it will be a good lasting impression on the people in my life. I want it to be a legacy that I will adhere to everyday. To wrap up my blog, I’m leaving you with a potential epitaph that I would like written on my tombstone (although it is rather long, so I’ll need a really big rock). This series started at birth; it seems only right to go full cycle. Every blog I’ve written has been a build up to this moment, because each one depicted a moment that contributed to who I am today, and it’s exactly that person I want to give homage to in this future final farewell.
Strong, frightening, fearless, caring.

HERE lies a man,
Grown old and weary in time,
No longer a boy who ran,
In whose spirit still blossoms the youthful vine.

He died on his feet,
Strong, fearless, frightening yet caring.
Undefeated by every foe, every fleet,
Occasionally despairing, yet always daring.

He was unafraid of the menace of the years 1
Of how charged with punishments was his scroll; 1
He lived his life in high gear,
It was the one thing he could control.

Break free. Transcend.
He was a defender of the weak,
For he too once lacked the strength,
To stand up for being unique,
To preserve that which he believed in, at length.

He existed to inspire,
To rally others until his last breath did expire.
Born into a world he mistrusted,
The task of spreading love and justice, he was entrusted.

His purpose was to transcend mortal limits,
To break free of the shackles that restrained his kind,
And so to surmise his life within minutes,
Is an injustice to his state of mind.

To the family he left behind,
Rise, Captain!
Both blood and bond combined,
The legacy that he most prized,
Was the simple act to LIVE TO RISE.

“Remember me”, he began,
“Know that I was my own man.
That the burdens of life are a minor toll,

When you are the captain of your own soul.” 1

"Invictus" by William Ernest Henley 


  1. I was discussing potential epitaphs with my buddy the other day and I decided on Gone Fishin'. I should like to be remembered with a smile. Although realistically the Earth is probably running out of room for graves and eventually we will all end up cremated, disintegrated or tossed into the deep blue sea... We can dream. There are grave stones from the 17th century that are still standing strong, after all - maybe I'm wrong!

  2. Excellent and thought provoking blog. I especially liked your post about your trip to Ecuador. Really put's everything into perspective doesn't it?
    Fantastic advice on your cocoon post. It all does get tougher, but if you put the work in, the world will really open up for you.

    A few formatting & grammar issues (ex. your vs you're) but overall, a very good read.
